

Writing for Arete has been extremely hard for me, both musically and emotionally. I have never sang to this style before, so i find myself going over the song, over and over to make sure i have t right. And writing, with as much emotion as i want to, is hard as well, i don't like thinking about the past, but i guess it puts me in the state i need to be in.

I'm thinking less of life, as i learn more about how "emotions" are just chemical reactions in the brain, it makes everything seem like it has less worth.

These next few months should be interesting.

1 comment:

Andy IV said...

sounds like you need a drink. lets sellout together. and then become traveling blues artist playing in dumpy bars across the south for change being drop in our guitar cases. only then we will finally find the answer we were looking for. only then we will truely know what it means to express true depths of sorrow.